Predictions for the Future That WILL Happen

Here is a list of predictions which ''will'' come true in the future.
#Bernie Sanders will die soon (he is 100 years old).
#EVIL PATRIXXX will live until the year 9999.
#Communism will rule the world NEXT YEAR!
#BaldarMatt will be arrested on July 32, 2016, and will intentionally drop the soap in prison because he is a desperate cunt.
#Rim-jobs will be outlawed in the year ????.
#The government will shut down Creepypasta Wiki on October 28, 2017 due to another religious Slenderman killing spree.
#Undertale 2 will be released on September 11, 2018. The game will be a remembrance of 9/11 victims featuring the cast of Undertale.
#People will still miss Hitler 100 years from now.
#Donald Trump will stop being president on January 20, 2025.
#Canada will lower the age of consent to 12 when a man by the name M. W. Joyce becomes president in the year 2019.
#The US government will confirm all conspiracy theories on December 24, 2022, the day before world ends.
#Nukes will be powered by cannabis. They will be featured on the television series, Ancient Aliens, in 2040.